Thursday 12 July, 2007

Attitude or what??!!!

I need to mention this. Something about the attitude really amazed me. This time when I had gone to Srinagar for a vacation, the thing that really stood out was the attitude!! The guys were drop dead gorgeous. Every second guy was a potential hunk. Amazing features. I still remember the guy I saw in a small shop, where my mum was doing some typical suit shopping. For a change, I didn't mind shopping. He had such cute dimples. Could beat anyone in the "looks" department.

Didn't get a look at the girls, so can't say much. (and why should I look at girls?!)

Coming back to the attitude, most of the guys spoke amazing English. I assumed that would be due to the tourism in the city. The first three people we came across were the driver, our travel agent and the house boat owner. Driver was fine. But the attitude of the agent amazed me. Right from the time I first saw him, he had an air about himself. He was this confident guy who had no problems being rude.

Even if he meant well, his tone didn't. We were typical tourists who had come to a new city. So obviously we had loads of questions.

Picture this- We are in the shikara…going towards our houseboat. The houseboat that was given to us was pretty far from the main jetty. After being in the shikara for more that 20 mins, my dad asked him whether ours would be the last house boat. (in a sarcastic way obvio). His reply (with loads of attitude) – No, yours would be the second last one!

By the end, I actually started feeling that he had done a favour on us by letting us choose his agency! !

And before we could get over this guy, we were introduced to our house boat owner. His first line was "hope u had a pleasant journey". That's the last time we heard anything sweet from him.

An example: My mom was asking him questions about the houseboat facilities. Very basic questions like "would there be hot water" etc. His reply (after hearing 2-3 of such questions…with the same amount of attitude)- "Excuse me!!, Let me remind u, you have not come in a "gaanv" (village)! Can you beat that??? My dad was really angry and later gave him some advise on "hospitality"! Almost felt like we were invading his privacy by staying on his houseboat! But apart from those two "dudes", the other people we met were extremely sweet (and good looking).

PS- I know I have mentioned the good looking part too many times, but cant help it, have still not got over it :)

1 comment:

Suneer said...

Hunk? Good Looking guys? No doubt you were raving so much about ur Kashmir trip so much!
Me green with envy. :-(

(*ok...not quite green!*)

very frankly, this was the first time someone said something like this, have had a coupla friends going there, very very surprising indeed. I like the way you have taken some of the things I tol you into consideration (*wink wink!*)