Monday, 3 September 2007

To done!

Finally this week, I did two things that have been on my “to do list” since quite some time.

a) Watching “Madagascar”.

Actually, it’s only recently that I have started watching animations. Have personally never liked cartoons, so had always assumed that I would never like animated movies. ”Ice age” and “Finding Nemo” helped change my perception. And ever since I saw these movies, I have wanted to watch Madagascar. Everyone used to tell me that it was the best animation ever, a total must watch for everyone, etc. The movie has been aired on star movies so many times, but every time I managed to miss it. I would always circle the timing in the paper, and then something would come up during those hours itself. Finally, last Saturday, I advanced my walk timing (went for a walk at 5PM, when it was still sunny here) and managed to catch the movie. Loved the first half, got a little restless during the second half, but nonetheless it was a very well made and feel good kina movie. The song “I like to move it” was sooo cutely done, especially when they play it at the end of the movie with all the characters dancing…..Really cute!

b) Reading “Kane and Abel”

Everyone would tell me that it was the best Archer book. Surprisisngly, I would never find this book in the stores where I had asked. I must confess here, that I must have only asked in about 2 shops, but then those were the only 2 shops in Chandigarh that I was aware of! Finally, found the book in my library. Two of the pages in the middle were missing, but I still borrowed the book. I am halfway through the book. Started reading it yesterday, and the result was that I slept at 4AM (knowing that I had to get up at 8 the next day).That is the problem with me. Just can’t leave a book. I just keep thinking “one more chapter”…..

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